~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
Dated 5 June 2012

I think that I will die for work one day.. Guess what, I am in love with the busy life.. I just simply can't let myself slow down.. No way and it couldn't happen! Am I pushing myself too hard!? Back to the way, I have been living not like a normal life that a gal should have.. Been too strong all the while and it still goes on.. To prove myself to show myself, I am going to do that.. I am deciding for myself and not you.. So hell yeah.. Follow me if you agree with me.. Don't try to say you know me or change me when you don't really know how to.. I am that kind of easygoing person, but it doesn't mean that I don't have my own thought..

Hell yeah! Say cheese to my in love busy life... I am flying up and up..!

~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
Gosh! This is so unbelievable... I found you back my dear blogspot!! You has been lost for the past 2 years! And now you back to me again..

Say yeah to the world!

~~ Sh!owHu! ~~

bring me out of here please..i wan to go back to brisbane i WANT TO!!!!!

~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
Just get back from one interview session,
honestly,it really make me down..
never met the situation before,
don't know how to answer in the best way though i can do it well..
just one word to describe,FAILED!!

i will do better next time!!!!!
~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
Looking and looking...
Searching and searching...
but still nothing here...
i know i must be patient...
but i need money badly NOW!!
don feel like wanna getting money from my dad anymore..
and really damn BROKE~!!
job hunted..and hope to get one soon.....

thanks,you know i'm referring to u....
thanks for staying by my side....
thanks for giving me everything....
love ya~
~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
just found that everything had changed after so many year..it seems so familiar but yet it's a perfect stranger..what if it goes back to the year..what if everything still the same..it'll never have what if..


I wish i can..