~~ Sh!owHu! ~~

bring me out of here please..i wan to go back to brisbane i WANT TO!!!!!

~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
Just get back from one interview session,
honestly,it really make me down..
never met the situation before,
don't know how to answer in the best way though i can do it well..
just one word to describe,FAILED!!

i will do better next time!!!!!
~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
~~ Sh!owHu! ~~
Looking and looking...
Searching and searching...
but still nothing here...
i know i must be patient...
but i need money badly NOW!!
don feel like wanna getting money from my dad anymore..
and really damn BROKE~!!
job hunted..and hope to get one soon.....

thanks,you know i'm referring to u....
thanks for staying by my side....
thanks for giving me everything....
love ya~